Event design + styling by Good Day Club

Let us design your most excellent wedding, event, trade show, market stall or set. 

Go on, let us! We love to do it and are really quite excellent at it! And we’d bet our bottom dollar that you are pretty rad yourself. That’s how you’ve ended up here; you like to do things your own way, want to create an event or space truly like no other and technicolour boldness is your love language. You adore our glorious mix of old and new, and want, nay need your event to be personalised, high impact and unforgettable.


So you’ve decided to get married, and you know straight up that a stylin’ wedding (slash party of a lifetime!) is a priority? We hear you loud and clear. Roger that, legend pants. 

Our unique take on wedding styling and design means we’ll create a wedding with you and your guests in mind – how you (and they!) will feel, what you’ll experience, see and touch. In our humble experience, excellent wedding styling makes people feel things. Good things. That’s why personalising your wedding is the key to it being so kick-arse. The look and feel sets the scene, and with the scene set for the best love party ever, how can it fail to be everything you hoped it would?


Our innovative, creative design thinking and event styling means that we’re able to produce endless unique designs that help you to stand out from the crowd. Everything from internal corporate strategy launches, business birthday party styling, brand activations, themed Christmas parties, design and makers market stalls, wedding expo stalls, film and TV shoots. It’s a cliche, but the list really does go on.

It’s the social media age, so creating event styling that’s deeply memorable and photogenic is a must. We design with this in mind, always devising ways to maximise your investment and meet your event goals.

Trade shows, set design, expos and market stalls

Smaller spaces doesn’t have to mean smaller impact. Designing spaces for trade shows and expos, market stalls, brand activations or set designs is one of our very favourite things to create, because the design has to cut straight to the heart of who you are and what you do, or it’s a fail. 

Lucky for you we are creative thinkers who love nothing more than coming up with unique ideas that set you apart from your competitors and tell your story in a glorious, exciting and bold way.